Benefits of Installing a Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System
Water is vital to our daily lives as we use it for drinking, washing and cooking. So doesn’t it make sense to make sure you and your family have the healthiest drinking water possible?
Even water from municipal systems can contain small amounts of contaminants that can harm your family’s health. High mineral levels, on the other hand, can damage your plumbing and clothing and lead to dry, irritated skin. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are inorganic salts and small amounts of organic substances in water. The main components are generally the cations calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and the anions carbonate, hydrogen carbonate, chloride, sulfate and nitrate. Water treated by reverse osmosis has the lowest TDS values.

If you’re wondering how to improve the overall quality of your drinking water supply, Heartland Plumbing offers a simple solution: Install a reverse osmosis water filtration system.
If you would like more information about these systems or would like to request service, please do not hesitate to contact Magnolia plumbers today.
How Do Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems Work?
Reverse osmosis water filtration systems are the most popular and cost-effective solution on the market. They provide fresh, tasty water for drinking and cooking.
Unlike a traditional drinking water filtration system designed to control taste and odor, a reverse osmosis system passes water through a series of filters or tanks. Reverse osmosis systems can have 3 to 5 filters (stages) through which the water is passed. After passing through a pre-filter cartridge and then a carbon filter, the pressure pushes the water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. The membrane traps contaminants on one side while pure water flows through the other side. The number of filters is determined by the contaminants to be removed.
The water is ultimately sent to a collection tank while the impurities collected in the water are flushed down a drain. During the reverse osmosis process, several contaminants are removed including pesticides, lead, fluoride, chlorine, nitrates, sulfates, and detergents.
The Benefits of a Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System
Improves taste
With the addition of a reverse osmosis water filtration system, you’ll enjoy the best-tasting drinking water you’ve ever had. A reverse osmosis filtration system removes all odors and contaminants that can affect the taste, smell and appearance of the water.
Removes impurities
Although most municipal water systems do an excellent job of removing contaminants from the drinking water supply, there is always the risk of system failure. Reverse osmosis systems can remove any contaminants that may remain in drinking water, benefiting the health of you and your family.
Saves money
By installing a reverse osmosis system, you can avoid buying bottled water at the supermarket. Water treated with reverse osmosis produces healthier and better tasting water than bottled water.
Helps the environment
Any water bottles you consume can end up in landfill if not recycled. By stopping buying plastic bottles, you can reduce the amount of plastic waste your home produces, helping to protect the environment.
Contact Heartland Plumbing for Installation of a Reverse Osmosis Filtering System
If you want to improve the quality of your home’s water supply, contact the plumber magnolia at Heartland Plumbing today. Proudly serving the Texas areas, we can provide your home with the plumbing and water services you need.
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