3 Ways to Help Your Kitchen Plumbing Recover From Upcoming Holidays

With winter in full swing and spring just around the corner, now is a great time to revitalize and refresh your kitchen after the holidays. Chances are, you’ve had lots of guests over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays – maybe you’ve even enjoyed several home-cooked meals! But all that cooking can put a significant strain on your essential appliances and kitchen plumbing.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a checklist of 3 ways to help your kitchen plumbing recover from upcoming holidays.

Clean Out the Kitchen Drains & Garbage Disposal

First, make sure you clean the drains and garbage disposal in your kitchen. All that delicious food you made over the holidays has to go somewhere, and a lot of it probably ended up in the trash and kitchen pipes.

However, leaving food or debris in your kitchen’s plumbing for too long can cause sluggishness, residue, and even damage to the plumbing. In extreme cases, you can’t turn on your faucet without filling your sink with dirty water.

To solve this problem, use drain cleaning chemicals or invest in professional drain cleaning from licensed plumbing experts. By cleaning the drains, your kitchen plumbing will work like new again and your dishes will be cleaned faster than usual.

Refill Water Softener Salt

If your home has a water softener, salt levels likely dropped during the holidays. Depending on the size of your brine tank, you may want to top off your water softener with salt. Without salt, water can become “hard” and lead to mineral deposits on dishes or in the sink.

You can add salt or hire experts to analyze your water softener’s current salt level and top it off. Remember to do this regularly; The more water you use, the faster the salt in your water softener will run out.

Wipe Down and Clean Faucets and Drain Openings

The final step to help your kitchen plumbing recover from the holidays is to wipe down and clean faucets, drain openings, and any other highly visible plumbing components. For example, you can thoroughly clean your kitchen faucet so that it shines like new. This will help you identify early signs of rust or increased wear and tear that could justify purchasing a new faucet from a licensed plumber.

Also, clean your kitchen sink drain openings to prevent more dirt and debris from falling down the drain or into the trash. Otherwise, blocked pipes will occur sooner than expected.

To update your kitchen plumbing and ensure it’s ready for spring, you can rely on experts to help you get the job done. Heartland Plumbing is here to help. Schedule an appointment today to receive a free estimate.

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