EFFECTS OF HARD WATERIf you’re like most people when it comes to the water in your home, your biggest concern is probably whether or not the water is safe and drinkable. While this is certainly a priority, you also need to consider whether your water is hard or soft. When hard water flows through your pipes, it can have quite negative effects.

5 Negative Effects of Hard Water

Scratchy Towels

Don’t you love the feeling of stepping out of the shower and wrapping yourself in a soft, fluffy towel? If you have hard water, you can say goodbye to that feeling. Hard water doesn’t play well with cleaning products, leaving your towels dry and itchy.

Dull-Colored Clothing

Hard water not only causes irritation in laundry, but it can also cause the colors of your favorite clothes to fade. That royal blue sweatshirt you’ve loved since college? It’ll probably be baby blue before you know it.

Dry Skin and Hair

Because hard water cannot completely remove soap, your shampoo and facial cleanser will not be completely rinsed out when you shower. Leaving this residue on your hair and skin can dry them both out, and who wants that?

Stained Plumbing Fixtures

Minerals in hard water can leave white limescale deposits on your faucets, pipes, showerheads, and toilet bowls. Although some of this residue can be easily removed for a short period of time, as long as you have hard water, your plumbing fixtures will continue to stain.

More Plumbing Repairs

All of these minerals can build up in your pipes and appliances and cause clogs, low water pressure, etc, leading to more frequent plumbing repairs and more money out of your pocket.

How can I protect my home from Hard Water?

There are a few things you can do to protect your home from hard water, including:

Install a Water Softener

A water softener is a device that removes the minerals from hard water. This can help to prevent scale buildup, dry skin and hair, faded clothes, stained sinks and bathtubs, and frequent plumbing repairs.

Use Water-Efficient Appliances

Water-efficient appliances use less water, which can help to reduce the amount of scale buildup and water stains.

Clean your Plumbing Fixtures Regularly

Regular cleaning of your plumbing fixtures can help to remove scale buildup and prevent stains.

Use a Water Filter 

A water filter can remove some of the minerals from hard water, which can help to improve the taste and clarity of your water.

Are there any Health Risks associated with Hard Water?

There is no evidence that hard water is harmful to human health. However, some people with sensitive skin may find that hard water makes their skin feel dry and itchy. Additionally, hard water can make it difficult to remove soap and shampoo from your skin and hair, which can lead to irritation.

Solving these problems can be as simple as installing a water softening system. Water softeners use ion exchange to replace water hardness minerals (calcium and magnesium) with sodium and soften the water. Call Heartland Plumbing today to have your water tested!

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